30th June 2018 Saturday – End climb a bit tricky but all got home safely
Hello Everybody! Route: Carson City to Kirkwood For the non-mathematicians out there: Distance: 49 miles (Total 3,277) Average speed: 11.2 mph Calories: 1,355 Cycling time: 4h 20min Average cadence: 77 rpm Climb: 4,094ft, Descent: 1,201ft Heart (yes I have one): Max 180 (no) Aver 114 Aver Temp: 28C, Max temp 40 C Temperament: Getting close to no more hills, ma My day started with a very nice breakfast. The usual 2 x yoghurt, 2 x Quaker oats with banana, 2 tangerines, coffee, toast and milk. Arnold had the same apart from the tangerines – he is orange colour blind so cannot see tangerines, oranges (obvs), satsumas, nectarines, apricots, persimmons and of course, ripe ugli fruit. I left the hotel at approximately 7h:21m:35.8s. I then went back to get Blossom and left again – the time is immaterial so don’t ask. I managed to get through Carson City with only 6 red lights against me out of a possible 4 – ...