30th June 2018 Saturday – End climb a bit tricky but all got home safely

Hello Everybody!
Route: Carson City to Kirkwood

For the non-mathematicians out there:
Distance: 49 miles (Total 3,277)
Average speed: 11.2 mph
Calories: 1,355
Cycling time: 4h 20min
Average cadence: 77 rpm
Climb: 4,094ft, Descent: 1,201ft
Heart (yes I have one): Max 180 (no) Aver 114
Aver Temp: 28C, Max temp 40C
Temperament: Getting close to no more hills, ma

My day started with a very nice breakfast. The usual 2 x yoghurt, 2 x Quaker oats with banana, 2 tangerines, coffee, toast and milk. Arnold had the same apart from the tangerines – he is orange colour blind so cannot see tangerines, oranges (obvs), satsumas, nectarines, apricots, persimmons and of course, ripe ugli fruit.

I left the hotel at approximately 7h:21m:35.8s. I then went back to get Blossom and left again – the time is immaterial so don’t ask. I managed to get through Carson City with only 6 red lights against me out of a possible 4 – how they know I am coming is beyond me but it has got on my nerves, it is getting on my nerves and it will in future get on my nerves some more.

I made good time due to 1) tailwind and 2) flat and/or downhill for the first 25 miles. I also had a short stop at a well known Seattle based coffee shop who now sell egg pudding type things. They were very nice no matter what they are called. I talked with John who had a St Bernard dog with him – very friendly (both John & the dog). He was an ex-commercial pilot and very nice chap as he would like to live in the UK or New Zealand if he had the choice. I also talked with Linda and Bob who took my photo with Blossom and Arnold. Arnold is just to the left of Linda and he is wearing his favourite T-shirt – the one with the “Dark Side of the Moon” album cover – nice.

I also met many roundabouts today, nothing for the last 2,000 miles and then 3 in quick succession. The white lines on the road seemed a bit haphazard but everything seemed to work OK in the end. See photos.

After this stop, I started the BIG climb of the day avec des windytail. The climb was about 1,300 metres in total and fairly tough as once it hit 5% is did not drop much below that until it started to go down rather than up. About halfway up I stopped at the Mad Dog cafe and 1) thought I’d left my wallet at the Seattle based coffee shop and had a very scary moment, then I checked my back pocket and someone had hidden it there – not nice and 2) had a coffee and oat & raisin cookie – nice. There was a picture of the “Mad Dog” - it was a golden retriever with a massive smile on its face. Mad? it wasn’t even mildly perturbed.

I also left Nevada and entered Califonia. Nevada was the best state for scenery and was a great challenge to complete. I was nervous about this part of the trip but I ended up loving the space, mountains and ability to see where you are going from 15 miles away.

After a while, I got to the summit and then had a very nice descent into Kirkwood. I stopped just short of Kirkwood for a root beer malt which cost nearly $9!!!! It was nice but not that nice. I’m just glad Arnold didn’t want one. By the way, Arnold ran alongside us again but only until we met the start of the climb. He then took his usual position on the rear rack and started whistling tunes from “The Sound of Music” as the scenery reminded us all of that classic film.

I also managed to find my lodging for the night. I am staying in an Airbnb room within a very large alpine-type house – you know, pine everywhere, pointy roof and 2 very nice French people living there – Bertrand and Agnes.

After showering, I walked to the main village area via the meadow trail – see photos as it was very nice. 

I bought some stuff for breakfast only. This was because Bertrand and Agnes asked me to join them for dinner so I said: “Yes, please”. Bertrand asked if I would like some wine. Honestly! The dinner was lovely - halibut, black rice and avocado salad mix which Agnes should market and sell worldwide. They were both great company and very generous with their time and food. They did occasionally talk French together. Th only thing I did not understand was Bertrand asking Agnes this: "Pourquoi avons-nous invité cet idiot à dîner?" - does anyone know what this means please? I think it is nice but not sure how nice.

So only 247 miles to go and most of it is downhill. Let’s hope everything stays together.

Kissy, Kissy

Alan, Franklin & Arnold xxx



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