5th June 2018 Tuesday – Nervous start to Western Express
Hello Everybody! Route: Pueblo to Westcliffe For the non-mathematicians out there: Distance: 56 miles (Total 2,207) Average speed: 9.8 mph Calories: 2,506 Cycling time: 5h 45min Average cadence: 71 rpm Climb: 4,911ft, Descent: 1,965ft Heart (yes I have one): Max 151 Aver 128 Aver Temp: 26C, Max temp 33C Temperament: A bit worried I left Karen’s place around 8.20am and got going fairly well. There was a climb ahead but I was not too sure what was to come. I cycled through mostly suburban areas until I met a gravel road. A passing driver told me it was 3 miles long and washboard for most of the 3 miles. OK so turn around and find a new route which the Garmin did very well. I got into the Colorado countryside and it started to look like cowboy territory very quickly. It was fairly flat for the first 3 hours at which poi...