26th June 2018 Tuesday – Really getting the hang of Nevada I think

Hello Everybody!
Route: Austin to Middlegate

For the non-mathematicians out there:
Distance: 63 miles (Total 3,180)
Average speed: 14.2 mph
Calories: 1,305
Cycling time: 4h 28min
Average cadence: 77 rpm
Climb: 1,398ft, Descent: 3,081ft
Heart (yes I have one): Max 146 Aver 108
Aver Temp: 29C, Max temp 42C
Temperament: Very pleased to get to Eureka

I set off at 7.35am so as to enjoy the lack of any wind, temperature, and traffic, almost just like yesterday, the day before and the previous cycling day to the day before. I had breakfast in the room – two cherrios boxes that I borrowed from my Eureka hotel, 5 fig rolls (they are luvly) and a coffee made via microwave. I then bought some more turkey jerky and ate two yoghurts from the petrol station just next to the Cozy Mountain motel.

The first bit was downhill with roadworks. At the first “STOP” sign I chatted to the young guy and he gave me a bottle of water. I didn’t need it but thought it best to say “Yes please”. Later in the day, I used it for a cycle top dousing which was very nice.

The route then started to go up but it never got above 5% so I just carried on as if it was flat. I was going at a very good pace as the wind was around but did not have much strength or stamina – it kept coming from all directions. I ended up cycling almost 3 hours before I stopped to have something to eat and change bottles. After that the wind came back a little and I had about 5 miles of “grind it out” time.

I arrived at a Cold Springs cafe which was about 13 miles from Middlegate. I ended up having a root beer float, a Sandy with chips, and a milk. All very nice and I set off back into the wind but also going down for 12 miles or so. I also bought a new packet of Cherrios with added protein.

I arrived in Middlegate and after some confusion about my room I ended up in a motel room rather than the cabin which they thought I had booked. Middlegate is a bit of a mirage. There is a motel, RV park, lots of other stuff, a bar/restaurant (well known for its burgers – they are very good) and a small store. The bar is very interesting with dollar bills stuck to the ceiling and lots of old memorabilia from Route 50 and the Pony Express.

There is a chance of 30mph westerly winds tomorrow so I am going to try to get away even earlier as 30mph does not sound like fun.

Good night from Alan & Franklin xxx

PS I now only have 386 miles to go.
Also pictures will be added hopefully in the next 2 days.




  1. Still impressed, sir. I thought Colorado might slow you down a bit, ... but no, Blossom appears to have the measure of them, there hills.
    Cheers, R

  2. Richard, Yes my dear Blossom is going great guns and today we blasted the road to bits. Regards, Al, Franklin & Blossom.


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