10th May 2018 Thursday – Alan struggled with wind all day and not all of his own making for once

Hello Everybody!
Route: Buckeye KOA Campsite to Jeffersonville

For the non-mathematicians out there:
Distance: 76 miles (Total 763)
Average speed: 9.6mph
Calories: 2,681
Cycling time: 7h 55min
Average cadence: 65 rpm
Climb: 2,343ft, Descent: 2,208ft
Heart (yes I have one): Max 126 Aver 112
Aver Temp: 27C, Max temp 32C
Temperament: Sense of humour level minus 4629

Let's be clear I did not cry or phone for a taxi but I came very close to doing so. Today started off seemingly alright but then turned into a windfest of hurt, pain (which we know is weakness leaving the body) and a heightened level of “getting on my nerves”. As soon as I started to turn directly West it got very hard, especially with the relatively frequent ups and downs that stopped me from getting any real steady pace. The video does not do it justice but try putting your head in a tumble dryer as you watch it and you'll get a better perspective.

I did speak to Ruth during the day and she made me feel loads better and the wind must have known what she was like, as it did get a little better, aided by a less ups and downs latter stage. The wind was 16mph directly from the West and gusting to 30mph – these were the times when I was sure there was a fly in my eye.

Given the roads in the USA can go on for a bit, as in miles and flipping miles with extra miles on top with cherries and hundreds and thousands then any problem with your general direction does make the day a bit challenging. Just to make it a little more “fun” when a lorry went past I was holding on with everything I could hold on to, yes including bum cheeks, as the draught, oh the draught. Anyway, I was VERY happy when this one ended. By the way, the wind was so bad that the camera could not focus properly – I may have just made that up but I guess some of you thought it made sense - Taxi calling Bernie :-)

There were some nice bits in the tornado day.

BTW, (shorthand for "By The Way" as I couldn't really be bothered to write "by the way" again), when I arrived at the nice motel I discovered that Ruth had booked the following night rather than the night I told her to book. She has made this mistake a few times before on other holidays and to be fair, I am getting a bit sick of it. No, it was not me, it was her…. who do you believe?

Chris and Debbie on reception were great and I even managed to get my non-cancellable payment back. I had pizza delivered to my room and as is usual from the Redbourn high street Co-Op (Ruth knows what’s coming) they also gave me two free cans of beer! Happy days and a sound sleep and hopefully a better day tomorrow.

Best Regards, Alan Edward Swinhoe


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