16th May 2018 Wednesday – A cycling god (small g just in case) in the making

Hello Everybody!
Route: Casey to Vandalia
For the non-mathematicians out there:
Distance: 65 miles (Total 1,116)
Average speed: 13.3mph
Calories: 1,493
Cycling time: 4h 55min
Average cadence: 65 rpm back by popular demand
Climb: 751ft, Descent: 837ft
Heart (yes I have one): Max 129 Aver 105
Aver Temp: 28C, Max temp 34C
Temperament: Wow extra strength wind at my back, the hills gone but they will be back

Oh yes the race is on. Swinhoe delivers in the only way he knows how – late, not as requested and often to the wrong person. [EDITOR NOTE: the point is…..] Oh yes. Today I have no wind, no real climbing and smooth flat tarmac. Rrrrrrresult I went faster than a fast thing in fast jungle with faster than lighting jingle bells on my lapels. OH YESSSSSSSS!!! The cat is no longer quiet, he is licking his ar…. He is looking very happy with himself and why not indeedy?

Today was probably the first truly flat as pancake day, and it’s a Wednesday not Tuesday. I left the campsite and decided to stop in Casey for a quick breakfast fill up and to see their various tourist items – see photos. Basically, Land of the Giants from 1970s.
Rule or Ruler?
Windchime - for tornadoes no doubt
Big Chair from Elvis Costello
Just threw this in for a laugh
I arrived at Effingham well early and decided for a nice long lunch (at the Effing Brew Company believe it or not) and to get my bike looked at. I had a lovely chicken sandwich with Dr Pepper and NOT Rootbeer even though it was on the menu. I much prefer Rootbeer so I slightly stuck out my bottom lip – I was going to go for a quiver but decided to be grown up like all the other daddies and granddaddies – that last word has a lot of “D” in it.

The Bike & Hike shop changed my chain – it was well past its sell-by date and also touched up my rear disc brake and reset the rear dérailleur. 

The Bike & Hike shop is also the best cycling shop in all of Illinois, end of.  I also bought some pepper spray for any adventurous mutts, extra gloves to help with the numb fingers and some hydration powder. Both Robby and Carly worked on Blossom and afterwards, she was performing brilliantly – see the Blossom photos I took today which were a good omen as far as I could see.

I ended up staying in Effinham for about 2 hours and then set about getting to the campsite for today, just outside Vandalia, called the Okaw Valley Kampground. 

Cabin in the woods
Cabin in the woods in front of a small lake
Hosts: Barbs & Gary.
Yes Barbs has got a very big right foot.
They asked if I could pose as a British plonker.
Job done I thank you!
I managed to get a good deal on a cabin so left the tent on the bike again. The staff (Barbs and Gary) were very friendly and helpful and the location is lovely as you can see. Barbe made me a burger and also two chicken burritos - not the most balanced diet but lovely none the less. I also managed to negotiate a good rate on one of their cabins (after checking with Ruth to see if I was worth it, I was). It again had AC, no TV but a very nice table, chairs and microwave and fridge – living the dream baby. 

Anyway, love & kisses mucho to all, Al xx

Not the best thing to put in a cycle lane -
especially as they placed them in the
same cycle lane for about 4 miles

These are photos that I meant to add to yesterday's post, better late than never.

General pic of site
Cabin in the fields
It is tidy


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