25th May 2018 Friday plus rest day Saturday – A pat on the back for that

Hello Everybody!
Route: Iola to El Dorado

For the non-mathematicians out there:
Distance: 86 miles (Total 1,671)
Average speed: 13.5 mph
Calories: 2,001
Cycling time: 6h 22min
Average cadence: 71 rpm
Climb: 1,821ft, Descent: 1,401ft
Heart (yes I have one): Max 130 Aver 109
Aver Temp: 27C, Max temp 32C
Temperament: I actually enjoyed today and it enjoyed me

Warning another kind gesture coming up. I met George and Velma at breakfast. They lived in Las Vegas but George was from Iola and was back to attend his 60th school reunion. I explained what I was doing and as I was leaving they gave me $10 – a very kind and sincere donation and if everyone who I had met did the same then I would have smashed my target by now. Anyway, every donation helps. 

My current US donations have reached just over $300 so maybe I will reach the $1,000 target. The UK donations are still coming in but I will be sending out a gentle reminder (as per the Krays Twins) to those who have lost their credit cards.

Anyway as you can see from the stats, today was flat, tailwindish and smooth tarmac. I have never “enjoyed” 86 miles so much. My ASI is doing OK although I am keeping a keen eye on the right side of my ASI. I will provide photos as requested or videos that have, perhaps, a too keen interest in such matters but who am I to say no. Kansas is fairly flat BTW.

I have 11s at Yates Center consisting of a blueberry muffin and coffee for $2.64 and it was very nice.

I did not mind doing a longer ride today as I was having a rest day the following day and to cut a long story short I am writing this blog on my rest day in a very nice local brewery. The brewery has beer up to 11.2 percent alcohol but I have kept well below that. Next 2 nights are Airbnb ones so should be OK as miles are fairly short – 38 and then 60 miles. It is getting harder to find places to stay so I think some wild camping might be in order soon.

Anyway arrived in El Dorado just after 4.30pm – I know this as the post office had just shut and so I cannot yet send home the bag of stuff I have collected. There are bigger problems in the world so I will get over this one. I will need the weight and space saving once I get into the Western Trail part of my route – LOTS of ups and downs with desert and remote, lonely roads.

The place I am staying in is an Airbnb as well, although it has no WiFi – somehow Ruth managed to miss this when she booked it. Amateur. So today (rest day) I worked at the local cafe (1.5 miles walk) all day to get my blog, maps etc up to date. Not 100% but near enough.


The best ice cream I have ever had #1

This is the plaec called "Lizard Lips"
on the ACA website

I signed the Lizard Lips cyclist book and received my Lizard Lips lizard
which is now making a home in my handlebar bag

If only

Mr Jordan - what do you do with the other 3/4?

I was originally going to stop in Eureka
but then had a better idea

I have a feeling that I may have missed some stuff and that the beerrrr is stopingshgd me from righting properly so I well go now and pleaz let you know what I mite av forgootin. I love you alllllllllllllllllllllllll.

Regards, Franklin and sleepy Al xx

PS Al has just fallen over and is sleeping. I will leave him there and pick him up in the morning.


  1. On behalf of Angela Jordan....
    Hi Alan
    We have just got back from two weeks in Canada and have been kept suitably amused by your blogs during our stay though I have been somewhat perturbed by your attitude towards retired teachers who, as we all know, are a warm and caring bunch!
    Look forward to reading more about your adventures. Keep pedalling!
    Love from the Jordans x (that''s your annual kiss so don't get excited)

    1. Yes you got me. I do get excited by my annual kiss but only the one I get from Stefan. Also based upon your definition I guess you were never a teacher really.
      Yours smiling, Al

  2. On behalf of Stefan Jordan
    Have really enjoyed following your adventure but I did feel compelled to comment on your 25th May blog, which you must have censored; compounding the slur. I state categorically that I have never stolen any or part of any horses. I am deeply suspicious of your story as Americans struggle to spell my name - it was either Stefan or Steven - so I suspect fake news. You’ve obviously been watching too much Fox News on your way across the country.
    Nearly there - fantastic!
    Best wishes, Stephen

    1. Stafen, I hear you. Maybe I went too far but 1) there were horses 2) then there were no horses 3) someone mentioned a singing Englishman and I put 3.5672 plus 34.0967 and got a 3/4 of a horse.


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