22nd May 2018 Tuesday – Community people getting it spot on
Hello Everybody!
Left a bit later than I’d hoped for but set a good pace with Katy and the miles quickly past by. I managed to get to Sedalia @ 22.4miles in well under 2 hours. I met two Kety cyclists and asked for a good coffee recommendation and they suggested the Ozark Coffee Company which was an Amish place in the main square.
My next stop was Windsor, where I met some other cyclists going the other way and having their bags carried for them – oh dear, what is the world coming to. The Windsor local council had cleared up very quickly as I saw no sign of bunting, confetti or people selling their wedding “gift” on ebay – what a drab bunch of people to get invited to such a nice wedding and then try to turn a profit out of it.
And so to Clinton. I had called the Community Center to ask if I could camp in their grounds and they say Okey Dokey. When I turned up they allowed me a shower, free and good WiFi, access to the staff kitchen and fridge and allowed me to stay in reception until 8pm when the place closed. They could not have been any more helpful and elf and safety did not raise a twinkle.
Route: Pilot Grove to Clinton and good bye to dear Katy
For the non-mathematicians out there:
Distance: 63 miles (Total 1,454)
Average speed: 13.5 mph
Calories: 3,400
Cycling time: 4h 40min
Average cadence: 71 rpm
Climb: 2,165ft, Descent: 2.054ft
Heart (yes I have one): Max 136 Aver 116
Aver Temp: 32C, Max temp 37C
Temperament: Some rain or cool days please
I had a lovely coffee with a blueberry scone, then a chicken and cheese burrito, then another blueberry scone. The scones were really, really like it style. Yum! Yum! They forced me to tell them what I was doing and then insisted that I put a pin in their world map to show where I came from. I then went back out into the searing heat and set forth or it could have been third, not sure.
I saw this on the Katy Trail. Here we go. A proper list:
- Horses cannot draw. They do not have thumbs or other fingers to operate a pencil, pen or virtual reality workstation.
- If horses could draw, they typically are rubbish at perspective so any vehicle would be far too small for any horse to get into
- If horses could draw a vehicle, how would it move given it would just be a drawing i.e. where would you add the diesel (I assuming that a petrol engine is too technical for a horse to understand at this stage of their evolution)
- Are dog or cat drawn vehicles allowed or other animals or even insects? Why do they have it in just for horse drawn vehicles? What have horses done to them?
- I don't feel well so I am going to lie down for a while.
ever. Zebedee would have loved it and I certainly did.
There was some noise from a bird and a highway. I shot the bird as you can see.
I woke up about 5am for a short walk and managed to get up around 6.30am oh dear, early and yet somehow still managed to leave past 9am.
Regards from Al & Franklin xxx
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The Katy Trail helping with the heat |
The Katy Trail helping with the heat |
The high point of the Katy Trail - except that it seems to rise in the distance - and it did - go figure |
Sunset over Clinton Community Centre |
Please be aware that due to decisions made by people, Alan has updated his privacy policy, in regatoruim vita peron impersonalto Generalato Datum Protectionus Regulus, to include the following list of items that he will do something with, namely and thus forthwith, in judy’s prudence, m’lord:
this is not part of the list but I do think the little “i’s” make a list look much more formal and posh, don’t you?
you must burn all traces of things about me
use a match not a lighter or flamethrower
this is the last item on the list
no, sorry this is the last item
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