20th May 2018 Sunday – This blogs got no title, just words and a tune
Hello Everybody!
Route: Marthasville to Jefferson City
For the non-mathematicians out there:
Distance: 70 miles (Total 1,327)
Average speed: 12.1 mph
Calories: 1,827
Cycling time: 5h 47min
Average cadence: 71 rpm
Climb: 587ft, Descent: 367ft
Heart (yes I have one): Max 126 Aver 107
Aver Temp: 23C, Max temp 30C
Temperament: Happy to be here
My plan was to normally cycle about 2 hours – so anywhere from 20 to 25 miles and have my first stop each day. Hmm – got about 12 miles down the road and the seriously grey sky was getting closer by the minute. A chap stopped to tell me that I should make haste to Treloar in order to find shelter as the thunderstorm front was very close and very annoyed. I just got there almost in time and then took shelter under the canopy of the old general store frontage and bank next to it.
A bit cloudy |
A bit more cloudy |
Time passed, some more time passed, a moment tried to ask a question but we all looked at it and it went away. Then suddenly a man and woman arrived in a car. They turned out to be the owners of both buildings and had bought them so as to bring them back into use as historical buildings. The man also mentioned that he owned an adult store 3 miles down the trail, which I thought was an unusual thing to say to a very wet cyclist. Ho hum.
With rain now abated I gingerly set off, and let me tell you I do not like ginger or Marmite for that matter. I do like milk though, cows are great!
Ah, I have not used or made mention of lists recently. And you know how useful I think lists are, don’t you? Let make a list of how very useful lists are.
Why lists are very useful list:
you can add anything in any order to a list
you can re-order so as to prioritise items in the list
You can have sub-items in the overall list to help break down complicated items or items with long words that I don’t understand and when I ask Ruth she just does that smile of hers which I don’t understand. Sometimes Kerry does the same smile. I don’t like it.
you can easily add and remove items in a list. I was going to remove this item but I decided to leave it alone.
I did remove an item further down this list but obviously, it is not there anymore so you will have to take my word for it
you can use numbers to help order your list or use really funny images like planes, dogs, and small rodents to improve the look of your list
making a list makes you look clever.
There I feel better already. Do you feel better? I do hope so.
If you read that last sentence normally it seems just fine. Now try to read it in a style of HAL in “2001 A Space Odyssey”, when HAL had clearly gone bonkers even for a computer. Different isn’t it.
After leaving Treloar, the sky improved and it ended up being a very nice day. Blue sky, quite warm and Katy was doing her job very well indeed. The overhead tree canopy (used that word again) was ideal for keeping any wind out and also cooling the trail. It was also fairly flat and much less bumpy than the C&O and GAP trails at the start of my journey. And life is a journey as we all know. I just wish it was first class all the time and someone came along every so often and punched your paper ticket, leaving a very neat, circular hole in it. The good old days....
So my evening was enthralled by a PapaJohns delivery with some pop and I was very happy. Slept well especially as there was another overnight thunderstorm so I did not get the least bit wet, well apart from when I had a shower but that was to be expected.
Love, a big kiss and weak handshake to you all. Al xxxxxxx
Jefferson River |
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